venerdì 20 aprile 2007

Why Tim Drake?

How can I say the Robin in the TV show is Tim Drake? It's quite the TV show Robin's uniform has pants; in the comic Tim Drake has pants Richard Grayson DOESN'T! And according to the comic Richard Grayson should be WAY older than Raven's third reincarnation (the short haired one as in the cartoon), and so should it doesn't really make sense...another proof could be that the TV show is located in a modern city with REALLY modern technology, Richard Grayson is Robin in the '60s so he CAN'T be a teenager now! He should already be Nightwing. Somebody could say that in 'How long is forever' Starfire sees Robin as Nightwing in the future but if in the comic when the Teen Titans (with Tim Drake as Robin) look at their future and Tim is Batman and in the end in the final fight he promises himself to change the future. He could also become the next Nightwing in the future, because they WILL change it for sure...when They meet Titans East they tell them what caused their changes so the Titans know what to do. And again someone could say that Raven and Beast Boy are together but to be honest...Beast Boy didn't fight the end of the world just to save her AND in the comic they do flirt at the beginning but they break up...who knows...MAYBE because Rae Roth has a crush on the BEAUTIFUL Tim (Timothy) Drake...or maybe she was angry because Beast Boy didn't like her new red dress...who knows...

Tim Drake

Alter ego Timothy "Tim" Drake
Affiliations Batman Family
Teen Titans
Young Justice
Notable aliases Alvin Draper, Mister Sarcastic
Abilities Skilled martial artist and acrobat, high level intellect, keen detective skills

Raven Roth

Teen Titans
Sentinels of Magic
Notable aliases Rachel Roth
Abilities - Shadow manipulation
- Teleportation
- Emotional healing ability
- Psionic emotional manipulation
- Astral Form (Soul Self)
- Flight (Third life and animated)
- Psychokinesis (Animated)